It is especially in economic crisis situations that you and your company need legal advice at the highest level in order to implement the targeted economic restart in a lawful manner while avoiding personal liabilities. An effective claims management and debt collection system yields economically measurable results.
Insolvency Law and Restructuring
Petition for bankruptcy or insolvency doesn’t have to signal the end of your company. Conversely, if any debtor becomes bankrupt or insolvent, you do not have to write off your claims in any case or entirely. We are familiar with the corresponding procedures and situations both from the viewpoint of the insolvency administrator and from the perspective of the executor of the claims and of the debtor’s representative. Therefore, we offer comprehensive and target-oriented legal advice, in particular within the scope of:
- scheduling and implementing the reorganisation and restructuring of companies;
- realising collateral securities, such as liens, land plots or bank guarantees.
Claims Management Both in Austria and Abroad
An effective claims management implies legal expertise in the respective specialist areas as well as an up-to-date infrastructure. Thanks to our membership of the International Practice Group (IPG), we are also your point of contact for claims recovery abroad.
We take charge, in particular, of:
- the recovery of claims out of court both in Austria and abroad, especially by structuring and monitoring payment schedules;
- the recovery of claims in court, including executions, both in Austria and abroad.
In addition to the many years up to decades of experience in the individual specialist areas, our whole team of lawyers also has comprehensive experience in litigation. Successful litigation starts with the extra-judicial preparation and elaboration of a strategy for the litigation to be conducted.
We take charge, in particular, of:
- the representation before courts and arbitration courts;
- the function as arbitrator in arbitration proceedings.